The experience of serving patients and doctors has led us to this mission

At the heart of our mission lies a profound commitment to enhancing human health, born from our extensive experience in serving both patients and doctors.
As a diverse team united by a shared vision, we dedicate ourselves to advancing this noble cause by prioritizing the nurturing of patient-doctor relationships through our innovative digital care management services. We invite you to join us on this transformative journey, where together, we aim to elevate the standard of human health through unparalleled digital care experiences.

Meet our team

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Alejandro Roman, MBA

Founder and CEO

Healthcare entrepreneur, with a broad experience across the spectrum of healthcare delivery, financing, technology development, and innovation management. He holds a degree in Economics and an MBA in Healthcare Sector Management and Policy.

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Government and Health Policy

Nationally acclaimed public health leader. His roles span from physician to attorney, administrator, academician, and fiduciary. Dr. Avila obtained his medical degree from Brown University. Currently holds the Presidency at the American College of Legal Medicine, after serving as Health Secretary in Pennsylvania.

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Joshua Tarkoff, MD, MBA

MetaMend Program Director

Graduated from the Icahn School of Medicine and completed his residency and pediatric endocrinology fellowship at University of Miami and UCSF. He received a Healthcare MBA and practices in Miami, FL, specializing in remote diabetes patient monitoring and serves as Medical Director of IT, improving EHR workflow and efficiency.

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Oscar Barreto, DPM, ABMSP

HealHub Program Director

Passionate clinician, innovator, educator, and entrepreneur with a keen eye on how technologies can make a real impact on people's lives. Dr. Barreto is a graduate of the New York College of Podiatric Medicine.

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Luis Garces

NutriLink Program Director

A clinical dietitian with a passion to change healthcare by changing how we eat. At the base of his vision for transformation and low-cost preventative opportunities, nutrition plays a key role.

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Maylin Lara

Marketing & Patient Engagement Director

Art historian with 6 years of medical school has focused her career on healthcare patient engagement. Exceptionally prepared to distill clinical complexity into messages that resonate with patients.

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Juan O'Naghten

Legal Counsel

Advisor and legal counsel to the principals and management of closely held business interests. Played key roles in the creation and start-up of varied enterprises, in several industry verticals.

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Dr. Francisco Javier Jimenez

HeartSync Program Director

Director of Advanced Heart Failure and Pulmonary Hypertension at South Miami Hospital, Clinical Associate Professor at Florida International University and Clinical Professor at the American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine. Medical degree and PhD from the University of Alcala de Henares. Dr. Jimenez actively contributes to clinical trials and medical research within renowned medical societies.